Planning & Development

The Post Code Lottery of Planning Applications

21st December 2023

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If you are wanting a new agricultural building for Christmas, we wouldn’t want to bank on which Christmas.

Traditionally, applications for full planning were determined within 8 weeks and the permitted development (prior approval) within the 28-day period.

However depending on where you live and which local Council determines the application can result in some of these meeting the standard timescales. Regrettably it can take nine months to have a planning officer appointed.


Some planning authorities are still working from home and using Covid-19 as an excuse, despite it being almost two years ago. The budgets for Councils continue to be slashed and, in the past, some have employed external consultants to deal with the back log of applications, which worked well. A short sighted view some may say was to terminate this, given that when approvals are received it generally results in building work and business growth both of which create government revenue.

Red Tape

Applications are finding it harder to obtain approval, especially for anyone wanting to house livestock. Natural England seem to have it in for anyone with a cow or chicken. Despite most applications are designed to both improve and modernise stock and employee welfare, Natural England seem hellbent on scrutinising any application that houses livestock due to ammonia and odour. In one case the Councils Environmental Health Department were more concerned about the potential noise or smell produced by livestock. Fortunately, in this instant, our client was able to breed silent, odourless cows!

Our advice for anyone looking to erect a building is to start it sooner rather than later. The fact you are able erect a shed up to 10,000 sq. ft (1,000 m2) under permitted development every two years is hugely beneficial and is significantly easier to get approved than a full planning application, plus it only takes 28 days (this is something most councils can adhere to).

What to expect for 2024

For those applications submitted in 2024, some may also have to adhere to the bio-diversity net gain regulations, ensuring that the scheme sees at least a 10% increase in loss of biodiversity. However, this is slightly easier for those farmers and landowners who have land at their disposal to provide such habitats. In the past some applications have requested the planting of orchards to reflect the loss of biodiversity, even on a retrospective building.

Overall we love receiving a ‘granted’ decision notice and getting to see a shed or building once erected, having a passion for the industry helps but understanding why the building is required and the benefit it can provide to a farming business all needs to be explained in simple terms to those making the final decision.

If you would like to discuss erecting a agricultural building in 2024, please do not hesitate to contact us.

01829 423 183


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